Industry We Love


The poultry department in Lebanon follows up with poultry breeders in Lebanon and provides them with technical support at all stages of the poultry production phase through implementing their support programs in education, nutrition, and vaccines. & Our team keeps an eye on disease spread and epidemics in Lebanon through follow-ups and sampling and by conducting the necessary tests in the company’s advanced laboratory. We contribute to the development, efficiency, health, and welfare of poultry through our expertise in feed additives, as well as opportunities for feed cost savings and more sustainable poultry production.


Ruminants, including cows sheep and goats, are an essential part of the farming industry. Our medical and engineering services ensure good animal health and welfare, leading to high production averages in both the dairy and beef sectors. The services we provide are numerous and include: Nutrition, farm design, farm and herd management, milk parlor installation and maintenance, vaccination, artificial insemination services pregnancy check, disease testing and much more. In addition to offering pharmaceutical products from high-end global companies.

Companion Animals

We offer an extensive selection of goods, including biologicals, dry food, wet food, cat litter, shampoo, etc., as well as all the technical assistance required for veterinary practices, pet stores, and breeders.